Wednesday, August 19, 2015

It has literally been years...

I'm now a medical doctor, with the full degree of MD (with full LEGAL diploma to boot), and I came across my old blog, and thought I might update a bit. Ray Ashton is still a fraud, just like all these martial art BJJ frauds out there like James Paredes, Dave Lang, and Jay Queiroz on whom I've been seeing news updates on Facebook. Mr Ashton is still spewing bullshit and selling snake oil advice and "No box" seminars. Please do not entertain this man. is his website, and he is clearly a fraudulent man. He should go to prison for all the money he essentially steals from people. If you meet him and happen to find my posts here, cut off all contact with him. So anyhow, what am *I* up to nowadays? I don't train much anymore, and I've honestly sacrificed a lot of my health to get this medical degree. I'm not FAT and TERRIBLY out of shape for the average man, but it's a far cry from what I used to be. Currently, I am studying for my exams, Step 1, Step 2CS, and Step 2CK, because I went to a medical school outside of the US, where the curriculum is not built for incorporating the test taking. But I have the foundation to study and to understand all that I need to, and for that I am so very grateful. But lately, it's been a struggle to study. Things don't come as easily as they used to, for me, and I'm always tired. Seeing at my last entry was years and years and years ago, things have changed. I'm a doctor. I have a wonderful beautiful girlfriend who I've been in a relationship with for just over five years. I have my brain more attuned to that of a healer. And at the same time, some things don't change. I still want to fight in MMA one day.